Driver Bluesoleil v6.4.249.0 ini sebenarnya salah satu software yang sulit didapatkan versi gratis loh sob, dari dalu saya udah mencarinya namun baru ketemu sekarang. Software ini sudah saya uji coba n berjalan dengan baik crack nya.
Here are some key features of "BlueSoleil" :
- Support VoIP;
- Transfer files from/to mobiles phones;
- Call your contacts though Skype with Bluetooth headset;
- Wireless access Internet anywhere, anytime, even on moving;
- Listen to music stored in the PC using a Bluetooth wireless headset anywhere in the range;
- Push pictures from a Bluetooth Digital Camera to the PC without any cable connection;
- Print a file using a Bluetooth printer even in another room without any cable connection;
- Use Bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse to control the PC;
- Exchange or synchronize personal information, name cards etc with other laptops, PDAs or mobile phones;
- Support Windows muti-user.
- Backup/restore Bluetooth phone's contacts to/from computer
- View Bluetooth phone's contacts on computer
- Edit/delete/upload contacts
- Type and send SMS from your computer
- View/backup/delete SMS on Bluetooth phones
- All Bluetooth phones based on Symbian S60 .
- All Bluetooth phones based on Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0 .
- Most of Bluetooth phones from Nokia, Moto, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC/Dopod, LG, and BlackBerry etc.
- CPU: 600MHz or above
- RAM: 128M or above
- Screen: 800*600 or above
- Display: Adapter True Color 16bits or above
- Buka Activation tool
- Buka Keygen
- Copy-Paste Serial Number ke Activation tools
- klik get activation information
- Copy paste activation information ke keygen
- klik generate
- Copy-paste activation code ke activation tools
- Klik activate
- Selesai
Download Bluesoleil v6.4.249.0 Full With Crack
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